Head to Heart is a 22-week,
Small Group Discipleship Program
1. Deeply experience God's love and truth
2. Practice Healthy Emotions & Relationships
3. Process your life in the context of the Trinity

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“How We See,
Is How We Live” ©™
Preview a FREE session of Head to Heart - Session 2: “Through Adam’s Eyes” with Dr. David Eckman.
Why Take Head to Heart?
Watch this 30-minute explanation of the H2H Discipleship Program with Dr. David Eckman.

Head to Heart will train the participants in how to integrate critical biblical truth into their instincts and emotions and as a result, into their family life and relationships. This will be done by first exploring how the Fall, culture, and family background has influenced our perspectives, emotions, and instincts.
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As the participant learns what those effects are, they will begin to understand and experience how to transition from that background into an emotionally healthy participation in God’s new family, the Trinity. Throughout the 22 weeks, participants will learn the love of God and how to love others. It takes time to reflect on deep seated false beliefs, false pictures and false instincts. In a sense, we will be reparented by God the Father and learn how to participate within the New Trinitarian Family.
Head to Heart is a 22-week small group Discipleship Program that is comprised of 6-modules. Those 6 modules are:
- The Hierarchy of the Heart
- Identifying Our False Pictures & Beliefs
- The New Family
- Your New Identity
- Understanding Your Emotions
- Healthy Relationships
The goal of the Head to Heart Discipleship Program is to be able to give a positive answer to the three following questions:
- Are you experiencing the Father’s affection and responding with delight?
- Are you experiencing your union with Christ in relationship to the Father?
- Are you sensing the fruit of the Spirit in your life as you relate to the Father through Christ?
Head to Heart is a comprehensive discipleship program that follows the Apostle Paul’s method of discipleship pattern as outlined in Romans. Dr. Eckman’s insightful and rich Biblical exposition of the Greek and Hebrew Scriptures helps the participants go deeper in their understanding of Scripture. Participants see the “same old Bible verses” in fresh new ways. One of the outcomes of Head to Heart is that participants enjoy reading and studying the Bible more.
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Head to Heart takes a serious look at how the fall of Adam, the culture we live in, and our family background has affected the way we see God, the world, ourselves and others. Many participants experience the deep uprooting of False Pictures & negative beliefs that stem from our family of background and replace it with a deep sense of their identity in Christ and the acceptance and affection of God the Father.
We will explore the essential truths for effective discipleship and growth in Christ-likeness such as:
- Gratitude and joy as the Christian motivation
- Our Worth to God
- The Roles of the Trinity
- Walking By Faith
- Our Identity in Christ
- Dealing With the Flesh
- Walking by the Spirit
- Dealing With Sin
- Prayer & Service
what is the history of head to heart?
Dr. Eckman founded Becoming What God Intended Ministries on October 15, 1997. Head to Heart was developed and used in one form or another throughout those 20+ years. Head to Heart is comprised of materials from 5 different books that have been used all around the world and taught in Western Seminary by Dr. Eckman for 25+ years where he was a Dean and Professor.
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Head to Heart is also 1 of the 5 courses in BWGI’s 5-course curriculum that has been taught in 15 seminaries in the United States, Hong Kong, Singapore, and in China: seminaries such as the Chinese Asian Graduate School of Theology, Harvest Seminary, and River of Life Pastoral Institute. Head to Heart, along with the entire 5-course curriculum, is also taught at the BWGI International Institute in partnership with Grace Biblical Seminary, Hong Kong. In 2017, BWGI Ministries published Head to Heart and made this seminary-level material available to all.
Most churches lack a comprehensive discipleship program and a lot of the programs they offer do not result in an emotionally rich Christian walk. Many Christians have a lot of information from sermons, books, courses, and programs; however, oftentimes they are left to make sense of it all. Head to Heart is systematic in its approach by having the participant continuously reflect on rich Biblical truths so that what they really think and feel finally lines up with the Bible.
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Head to Heart has unique exercises that enable the participant to integrate the truths they are learning into their daily life:
- False Pictures Exercises
- Belief Cycle
- Life Map
What does a Head to Heart session look like?
For each session, the entire group will meet for a total of 2 hours. The Large Group will meet for 10 to 30 minutes for the Exercise or Illustration time. Afterwards, they will break out into gender-specific small groups of 5-8 people for 90 minutes. In their small group, they will share their answers to the homework Questions.
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For each of the 22 sessions, the participant will:
- Read 5-7 pages of the Head to Heart workbook
- Answer the 3 Reflection Questions
- Work on their False Pictures & Beliefs, Life Map, or Integration Exercises
- Watch a 30-minute video of Dr. Eckman teaching before the Large Group Meeting.
Dr. Earl Radmacher - Professor of Theology & President Emeritus of Western Seminary
“This material has a well deserved reputation for being used by God to bring positive change through the creative application of the Word of God. It has been created by a man, David Eckman, who is not only a committed student of the Word of God, but one who has lived out the principles he presents in the difficult fabric of life and demonstrated the truth of them.”
Steve Quen - Senior Pastor, Bay Area Chinese Bible Church
“I can personally testify that Head to Heart is a powerful discipleship process that can bring spiritual, emotional and relational health. You will also develop some deep friendships along the journey. I recommend every leader and member of our church to participate in this spiritual growth opportunity.”
Head to Heart is having a great impact on our church leadership and even on my preaching. Almost daily we are using the truths we are learning in counseling and even casual conversation with others. It has become so clear that there can be such difference between what people say they believe and what they really believe in their heart. I have a better understanding of what questions to ask and how to help people uncover deeper issues that are keeping them from being fruitful in their walk with Christ.
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other books By
Dr. David Eckman
referenced in Head to Heart
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